Sing & Play: Contrasts in Movement and Independence in Movement
It’s a well-known fact. No matter how many parents over the years have wished for it and continue to wish for it, toddlers do not come with an on/off (or even a pause!) button. At some point around the one-year mark, a baby turns into a movement machine. Constantly on the go, crawling, standing, wobbling, walking, and, yes, eventually running and jumping everywhere and anywhere—and often away from a parent in a one-sided game of chase! All of this newfound movement is exhilarating for children and a wee bit exhausting for parents. Ah, to hit the pause button for a moment!
In Kindermusik class each week, we help channel all that movement energy in a way that fosters your child’s growing independence and gross-motor development, and emphasizes your unique role as your child’s first and best teacher. When we listen to “Toodala” and practice different motions around the room, dance with our scarves using contrasting movements such as high and low or up and down during “Mrs. Murphy’s Chowder,” or even when your child sits (for a moment!) on your lap to bounce to “Pancake Day, Heigh-Ho,” your little one is discovering new ways to move.
Everyday Connection: On the Go-Go Dancer. Celebrate your child’s love of being on the go with music. Put on some of your favorite songs and dance, walk, wobble, run, and jump around the house. Mix up the music to include fast and slow, loud and soft, and energetic and calm.
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