The summer schedule is up! It’s six weeks full of great offerings for children ages 0 to 9 years being held from June 20 – August 6, 2022. Classes are again being offered on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays this summer. The week of July 4-9 will be planned week off to allow families to travel and celebrate the Independence Day holiday. Classes will resume as scheduled on Tuesday, July 12. The final week of classes ends on August 6, in time for LPS teachers to get back to their classrooms and start their school year.
Busy Days is the theme for the Foundations and Level 1 children. This curricula explores experiences from any typical day in the life of toddler, highlighting just how exciting these day to day activities really can be! Camp is once a week for 40 minutes for the enrolled child and their caregiver.
Zoo Days It’s as if this camp was written just for any child who has every had the joy of visiting the Folsom’s Children Zoo here in Lincoln, NE. Level 2 children will “ride” the Allee Allee O train all around the zoo and become familiar with all the most popular animals. This will be sure to become one of your most treasured shared camp memories! Class is once a week for 40 minutes for the enrolled child and their caregiver.
Road Trip is where it’s at for children enrolled in the Art & Music! They will travel along with the Flugelhorn family as they road trip from place to place, enjoying new experiences, sights, sounds, songs, and games. The first 45 minutes of the 75 minute class will be spent as a typical Kindermusik class focused on music and movement. The last 30 minutes will focus on our art/craft project. Parents will join us for the last 5 minutes for sharing time.
Junior Chef and Master Chef are by far the most requested camps year after year at Kindermusik of Lincoln.
Junior Chef uses music to teach children ages 3-6 years the importance of good nutrition. During the 75 minute camp they also learn to become active helpers in the kitchen which in turn encourages them to make healthy food choices, and more adventurous eaters! Kitchen supplies are provided the first week and will need to be brought back each week for the child to participate. Parents will join in the last 5-10 minutes to sample the recipes prepared during class time!
Master Chef is an intensive two hour camp that takes place in the kitchen and involves much more complex recipes each week. This camp is for children ages 5 to 9 years. Musical games, dances, etc may be used during times when we are waiting on our recipes to cook, but will not be the focus of this camp. Kitchen supplies are provided the first week and must be brought back each week for the child to participate. Oftentimes the recipes prepared during this camp will be coming out of the oven right at the time of pick up thus it is suggested to have hot pads and a cookie sheet in the car for Master Chef Camp day. Sometimes you may be asked to send a large container, etc to camp along with their normal supplies but this will be done the night before or the morning of camp so that you more likely to remember to send it along.
As before, the tuition portion of the cost of the camp can be adjusted AT THE TIME OF ENROLLMENT if you know that you will need to miss a week of class due to travel/other summer plans and a make-up class on another day is not an option. If you require prorated tuition, Enrollment must done over the phone at 402-770-1486, as there is not currently a way to handle it through website enrollment. Refunds for travel/missed weeks scheduled after enrollment will not be reimbursed or refunded.
Starting 3/27/2022 through Friday, April 8, 2022, you can receive $10 off each child’s enrollment with the code CAMP22 at check out.

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