Nothing Better than the Good Ol’ Summertime!

It’s that time again! Time to go barefoot in the grass, cheeks kissed by the sun and of course, Kindermusik Camps and Classes! This summer the youngest kids will be able to experience Beach Days, 3-6 year old kids will be playing pirates with Make Believe during Art & Music, and then our most popular camps ever, Jr. and Master Chef are making a return (Jr. Chef is for children 3- 6 years of age, Master Chef is for children 5-9 years old)!!!
The fun and learning begin the week of June 20, 2021 and will run six weeks. Camps/classes are being held on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. There will be a break the week of July 4-July 10.
The goal is to be outdoors as long as the weather cooperates and if it doesn’t, we will be inside in our normal classroom. The outdoor component is something fairly new to the Kindermusik of Lincoln Studio, and while we can’t count many good things to come out of the pandemic, learning to be a more flexible and outdoor embracing studio has been one of them.
So what are you waiting for? Some classes are already full at the time of this post, and others are nearing capacity. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn, sing, dance, play, socialize, imagine and just be with one another!
Kindermusik of Lincoln LIVE!!!

Great news!!!! Kindermusik International has embraced the current need for social distancing and has created means for all Kindermusik Educators to continue to offer their award winning curriculum in virtual classrooms! This means that while we may be going through a time where group activities are not allowed, we don’t have to stop making music! In fact, we can make as much music as before or even more!!!
Kindermusik of Lincoln has gone to online LIVE virtual classes until we can safely meet in the studio once again. Obviously, there is not a hard and fast date as to when that will be, as we want to make sure that we make that decision based on the best and most reliable data available.
You can still sign up for Kindermusik classes. They are unlimited within the age group for which you enroll. There is a sibling discount available, and we are bringing back the REFERRAL DISCOUNT TOO!
So to stay sane, provide predictable and trusted learning and movement opportunities for your children, and feel good about supporting a local business, ENROLL NOW!
July Camps & Classes

July camps and classes are set to begin the week of July 9, 2019! We have so much fun and music-making in store for all ages.
To enroll, click on the SUMMER CLASSES & CAMPS.
FREE Webinar!
November 12 ~ Free Webinar for Early Childhood Educators

Using Music to Boost Infant and Toddler Development
Kindermusik International partners with Hatch Early Learning to offer this Free Webinar, “Using Music to Boost Infant and Toddler Development.” Music is the one constant in an infant’s everyday life. All over the world, parents are bonding with their babies through musical sounds and rhythmic movement. Parents know instinctively what scientists have now proven: infants thrive on music.
Join us on November 12th as we team up with Hatch Early Learning to bring you a free webinar that will detail how and why music and movement provide the best learning vehicles for early childhood development (newborn to age 3). Kindermusik International’s Director of Professional Development, Betsy Flanagan, will lead the webinar.
- What You’ll Learn
- How immersive musical experiences create and strengthen an infant’s neural pathways
- Ways to create special bonding moments with newborn to age 3 learners
- Specific techniques that have worked in Early Head Start programs
- Active music making ideas that “light up” a baby’s entire brain
Register for this FREE Webinar on November 12 at 2pm EST.
If you’re unable to attend this webinar live, that’s no problem! Be sure to register and we will send you a link to our on-demand portal to view a recording of the live event.
Sing & Play: Contrasts in Movement and Independence in Movement
It’s a well-known fact. No matter how many parents over the years have wished for it and continue to wish for it, toddlers do not come with an on/off (or even a pause!) button. At some point around the one-year mark, a baby turns into a movement machine. Constantly on the go, crawling, standing, wobbling, walking, and, yes, eventually running and jumping everywhere and anywhere—and often away from a parent in a one-sided game of chase! All of this newfound movement is exhilarating for children and a wee bit exhausting for parents. Ah, to hit the pause button for a moment!
In Kindermusik class each week, we help channel all that movement energy in a way that fosters your child’s growing independence and gross-motor development, and emphasizes your unique role as your child’s first and best teacher. When we listen to “Toodala” and practice different motions around the room, dance with our scarves using contrasting movements such as high and low or up and down during “Mrs. Murphy’s Chowder,” or even when your child sits (for a moment!) on your lap to bounce to “Pancake Day, Heigh-Ho,” your little one is discovering new ways to move.
Everyday Connection: On the Go-Go Dancer. Celebrate your child’s love of being on the go with music. Put on some of your favorite songs and dance, walk, wobble, run, and jump around the house. Mix up the music to include fast and slow, loud and soft, and energetic and calm.
Cuddle & Bounce: Baby’s World of Patterns
During the first several months of life, babies follow a predictable pattern. Eat. Sleep. Diaper change. Eat. Sleep. Diaper change. Mathematicians call that an A-B-C pattern. Parents call it the “will-I-ever-sleep-again???” pattern. (Spoiler alert: You will…one day!) Patterns help your baby connect to and learn about the world. From recognizing the facial pattern of two eyes, a nose, and a mouth to hearing the vocal patterns of the language spoken at home to responding to the day-and-night pattern and eventually sleeping longer at night (really!).
In Kindermusik, we understand that babies and young children who learn to identify patterns strengthen their sense of safety and feel happier and more relaxed because they can better predict what happens next. Plus, a solid understanding of patterns eventually leads to success in school, especially in math, science, and reading. Each week in class, your baby experiences patterns through rhythm and meter, tempo contrasts, dances, language and vocal play, and the routine of the lesson flow. So, when your baby giggles and wiggles “going into the kitchen to take a peek” or dances with you to the changing tempos of “Peas and Carrots,” your little one gains a greater understanding of patterns—and the world.
Parenting tip: Predictable Playlists
Create a special nighttime playlist filled with soothing lullabies. During your child’s last feeding or at the beginning of the nighttime routine, put on this playlist. The predictable pattern of music each night will help your child recognize the end of the day. Try these Kindermusik favorites.
So you were late today? It’s OK, we are so glad you are here today!!!
To the Mom Who Showed Up Late to Music Class
I saw you today.
Yes. You!
Did you really think that you could slip in unnoticed after class already started? We had finished all the rounds of the “Hello” song and just transitioned into rhythm sticks when you and your child walked into the classroom. You held your head down trying to avoid eye contact, but your little one didn’t even think about feeling embarrassed for arriving late. Instead, she burst through the door ready to make music with her friends.
But I saw you.
Did you see me?
I smiled. Big Time. Could you guess that behind my smile I said a cheer for you: “You made it! Woo-Hoo! Good for you!”
It doesn’t matter what time the clock reads. It matters that you came. After all, time takes on a different meaning when a child enters your life. Every parent learns that lesson sooner or later. We’ve all experienced one or two (or all of these!) reasons for being late somewhere:
A Few Reasons Kids Make Us Late
- As soon as you dress your infant and strap her in the carrier she experiences her first diaper explosion—the kind your BFF warned you about—and the one you didn’t believe because she tends to exaggerate. After the shock wears off, you spend the next 30 minutes cleaning up your baby, your car, and yourself.
- Your child refuses to get dressed in anything other than his Buzz Lightyear pajamas, except said PJs are stained with who knows what and two sizes too small. After 20 minutes of intense negotiations, you arrive at a compromise of last year’s Scooby Doo Halloween costume, which is only a slightly better option.
- It takes your toddler 13 minutes to walk 10 steps to the car. She keeps stopping to investigate something spectacular—a rock, an old piece of chalk left in the rain, an ant. When you attempt to spur her on down the path, it sparks an epic meltdown on full display of the elderly couple next door. After 8 minutes, your child forgets the root of her despair and happily gets in the car.
- Ten minutes before you need to leave for class your child FINALLY decides to take a nap. You debate letting him sleep to help ward off the evening drama guaranteed to happen on “no nap” days. You opt to shorten the nap by letting him sleep 20 minutes instead of his usual 30 minutes…which means you are 10 minutes later for class. You hope a short nap is better than no nap, but only time will tell.
- YOU take a nap. Hey! Parenting is EXHAUSTING…as in “will-I-ever-sleep-again exhausting.” You needed that nap because you know you will be up three times between your child’s bedtime and 630am.
So, while your reason for arriving late may not be listed above, it’s okay. You are welcomed whether you show up early, on time, late, or not at all on some days. We understand. It’s why I wasn’t the only one who noticed you arriving late. The other parents did, too. We all widened the circle to include you. After all, we are a family and that’s what family does.
Do you want to join a community of other families who understand what it’s like to be a parent today? Find a class near you!
Contributed by Lisa Camino Rowell, a freelance writer in the Atlanta area. Through the years, she arrived late countless times to Kindermusik class (for all of the reasons listed above).
What have you done to have some fun this summer?
Popular Pinterest Pins for Summertime Fun
Looking for a few new ideas for summertime fun to add to your family’s list? Here are a few of the most popular Pinterest Pins from our Kindermusik boards.
Favorite Kindermusik Pinterest Pins for Summertime Fun
1. Create a Ball Maze. A great activity for shape identification, predictions, cause and effect, and fun!
2. Hula Hoop sized bubbles. What is this beautiful concoction? Hula Hoops AND bubbles?! Yes, please!
3. Books for young children to get them moving AND reading.
4. Five favorite Kindermusik ways to get up and move.
5. Classic Hand-Clapping Games for Kids. No worries. Adults can play, too!
6. Teach Your Child the Letter P. Turn down the summer heat and learn about penguins and the letter P.
No matter how your family chooses to celebrate summer, fall, winter, or spring, we know that you will be creating memories together!
Looking for more ideas for your family’s summer (or winter, fall, and spring) list? Join us for classes at Kindermusik of Lincoln!
Contributed by Lisa Camino Rowell, a freelance writer (and Pinterest pinner!) from the Atlanta, Georgia, area.
Music Can Navigate Kids’ Emotion Headquarters
Music Can Navigate Kids’ Emotion Headquarters
On Friday afternoon, our family watched the new Pixar movie, Inside Out. I must ask: Did any other parent cry over Bing Bong or shed a tear when witnessing Riley’s first memory? I did.
Well, I don’t know about you, but I would love to gain access to my kids’ Emotions’ Headquarters. It would make this parenting thing a whole lot easier if we could more readily identify the emotion our children are trying to express and then in turn help them label that feeling and respond appropriately. Plus, it is always helpful to pick up on the visual clues our children give off right before a meltdown. Unfortunately, their heads don’t actually start steaming, like the character Anger. We do know that Joy often sounds like laughter!
Young Children and Emotional Intelligence
While Inside Out is obviously fictional, emotional intelligence DOES begin developing in infancy, just like the character Riley, and includes recognizing and managing feelings, self-awareness, and responding appropriately towards others. In the movie, we saw this whenever a specific emotion (Joy, Sadness, Fear, Anger, and Disgust) took over the controls in Riley’s Emotions’ Headquarters.
As parents or early childhood teachers (or both!), young children often mirror our actions and reactions and the words we say in our best moments—and sometimes our not-so-best moments. They can even mimic our likes and dislikes. Eventually, as they become more self aware, children begin to express their own preferences for things, like wearing pajamas everywhere (Not a bad idea!) or eating ice cream for breakfast (Not a good idea!).
Music classes can support children’s growing self-awareness, which includes identifying feelings, and a parent’s unique role in it. For example, each week in a Kindermusik class, we include activities that not only encourage children’s personal choices but we actually incorporate them into the lesson. By including each child’s favorite way to say “Hello” at the beginning of class or movement idea during the “Monkey Dance,” we place value on each child’s ideas and preferences. In doing so, children learn to not only recognize and share ideas in a meaningful way but also to celebrate the differences of others. Activities like Kindermusik that incorporate children’s ideas help them learn that their thoughts, feelings, and ideas are valued.
Quick Tip for Using Music to Help Kids Navigate Their Emotional Headquarters
Listen to music that expresses different emotions, like joy, sadness, anger, or fear. Dance with children based on the emotion and help children label the emotion. Not only does this activity develop children’s vocabulary; it also helps them to identify—and even to manage—their own emotions.
Find a local Kindermusik class.
Contributed by Lisa Camino Rowell, a freelance writer in the Atlanta area. She freely admits that she cried while watching Inside Out. Her 9-year-old Kindermusik graduate responded with equal emotion: embarrassment.