Music Makes Your Day
One of Kindermusik’s core promises is to help make great parenting a little bit easier. Without a doubt, music is one vital tool that parents can use not just for fun and bonding, but as way to make the daily routines go more smoothly with less tears and more joy.
Wake up with music
Singing your child’s favorite song can chase away the morning grumpies and coax that first smile of cooperation. Try this free “Get up and Move” activity from Kindermusik @Home to get your morning off to a great start together.
Play some recorded music as you are getting your child ready for the day – quiet and soothing or happy and energetic – whatever your child responds best to. With your Kindermusik music downloads and ever-expanding library, it’s easy to create playlists of favorite music to suit any mood.
Go places with music
Sing together in the car. No one else will hear, and your child will love having the chance to make music together with you.
Utilize Kindermusik’s radio app or stream your class music so that you can have fun music with you wherever you go.
Take naps with music
There’s nothing more soothing than a playlist or CD of gentle lullaby sleepy-time music. Or even just cuddling and singing a sweet quiet song before tucking your child in for a nap will make naptime that much easier. Making music a part of the naptime routine will send your child off into the land of nod quicker than almost anything else.
Transition with music
Many children have difficulty transitioning from one thing to the next – they want to keep playing when it’s time to leave to pick up big sister from school. Or they’re not quite ready to sit in the high chair for lunch. You name it – there’s probably a way to turn that difficulty into something fun. It’s easy to “piggyback” a song, replacing the words with words you make up.
Or how about that time in the day when everyone is hungry and supper isn’t ready yet? Turn on a favorite recording and make an impromptu band using wooden spoons and plastic bowls (keeping safety and age-appropriateness in mind, of course!).
Splish splash with music
Yes, even tub time is more fun with some lively music playing in the background. Your child may not be singing in the shower just yet, but the two of you can have lots of fun making bathtime a highlight of the day singing and listening to music in between all of the bubbles.
Music is one of the very best activities for kids at home and on the go! And we promise, music can make the moments of your day easier and happier.
Need some musical inspiration and resources? Try a Kindermusik class!
How Music Supports Spatial Development
“Exceptional spatial ability at age 13 predicts creative and scholarly achievements more than 30 years later, according to results from a Vanderbilt University longitudinal study, published today in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science.” (from Early spatial reasoning predicts later creativity and innovation, especially in STEM fields)
Where Spatial Ability Begins
So where does spatial ability begin? The development of spatial awareness actually begins in infancy as babies start to understand spatial relationships through concepts such as up/down, inside/outside, over, under, and all around. Discovering their hands and feet is also part of the developmental process.
Next comes a greater sense of body awareness for toddlers as they gain an understanding of spatial orientation between self and other objects. Preschoolers begin to understand the concept of landmarks and gaining a sense of direction. The learning keeps building and expanding as big kids then also begin to develop a sense of personal space, control of their bodies, and a greater understanding of positional words and directions.
Why we listen, label, dance, and use props
This is why all of the music listening, labeling, moving, direction following, and use of props that’s done in Kindermusik music classes is so powerful. And now we have the research to support what we’ve known all along… that there is a connection between early experiences in music and movement and creative and scholarly achievements later on. Music and learning definitely go hand-in-hand!
Give your a child a head start in learning and for life
Come see how Kindermusik can help develop your child’s spatial ability.
– Contributed by Theresa Case, owner of an award-winning Kindermusik program at Piano Central Studios in Greenville, SCWhat our brains look like when we listen to music!
We love music—everything about it. Of course, we love how music and learning go together in Kindermusik classrooms and in homes around the world when parents support cognitive development in children through musical activities. We also love how that certain lullaby or silly nonsense song can calm both a child and a parent during one of those moments. Perhaps one of our favorite things we love about music is its ability to support healthy child brain development.
What our brains look like when we listen to music
When we listen to and engage in musical activities, our brains light up. Now, new research gives us pictures of what our brains look like when we listen to music. Researchers from Finland, Denmark, and the United Kingdom, used brain imaging and computer modeling to see just want happens to our brains when we listen to music. Led by Dr. Vinoo Alluri, the research team recorded the brain responses of adult participants while they listened to a variety of music, including Vivaldi, Miles Davis, and The Beatles. During the process, they also tracked the musical components, such as timbre, rhythm, and tonality.
The team discovered that listening to music activates the auditory, motor, and limbic regions of the brain as well as the regions of the brain used for self-referential appraisal and aesthetic judgments. Interestingly, our brains respond differently between vocal and instrumental music. When listening to music with lyrics, the brain shifts the processing of musical features towards the right auditory cortex to better process the lyrics.
“The new method provides a powerful means to predict brain responses to music, speech, and soundscapes across a variety of contexts,” explained Dr. Vinoo Alluri in a press release.
Musical variety supports child brain development
Throughout the Kindermusik experience, we deliberately introduce children to a wide variety of musical genres to give them a greater understanding of what is possible through music. One month we may explore the precision of classical music. The next month you and your child may experience the value of improvisation and emotional expression while we play around with jazz. Together we may also move and play along with drumming songs from Africa and South America or dance around to music from New Zealand, China, or France.
Exposure to a variety of sounds and rhythms is critical to cognitive development in children. Varied exposure leads to language proficiency, spatial reasoning, and temporal reasoning. It also increases understanding of moods, emotions, and other cultures. Read more about the four surprising ways your child benefits from a variety of music.
Musical Variety is the Spice of Life
Infants are born with the ability to process musical sounds and patterns, and there is an optimum window of time between birth and three years when the ear is ripe for aural language development. The musical stimulation we provide as parents is so important for this language development.
Because music is also important in developing a child’s sense of patterning and memory skills, it follows that providing exposure to a wide variety of music should be one of our educational goals as parents. Kindermusik effectively widens the musical world for your child by providing choice selections from many lands and cultures.
Children need a balance between the familiar and the new… and Kindermusik provides just that. One of the ways we can help our children appreciate and begin to understand other cultures and people groups is by exposing them to their music. One of the great joys of music is the connection it provides emotionally across cultural lines.
As your child listens and engages in musical experiences provided by Kindermusik and at home, he acquires a musical repertoire that will last a lifetime. He is developing his musical “taste buds”, to “appreciate the finer things”, and to enjoy new musical “tastes and textures”. The wider the array of musical styles, the richer that repertoire will be. Listen to your Kindermusik recordings and you’ll find multi-cultural music in a variety of musical styles. And the best part? It’s just plain fun to listen to! Now if only Kindermusik could accomplish the same thing with your child’s diet, right?!
Are you looking for some musical variety? Try a free Kindermusik class today! It’s a musical experience with songs and activities the whole family will love – in class and at home.
Using Kindermusik@Home to Make Parenting a Little Bit Easier
One of the fabulous benefits of your enrollment in Kindermusik is Kindermusik@Home – a whole new way to access and enjoy your Home Materials throughout the week. But how can Kindermusik@Home make parenting a little bit easier? Well, you might turn to Kindermusik@Home when you…
- need a lullaby to calm your baby to sleep
- are looking for a special way to connect with your child and sneak in a few giggles or cuddles
- are desperate for a diversion in the long line at the grocery store or the waiting room at the doctor’s office
- can’t remember the words to your child’s favorite song from class
- can’t get out on a rainy day and an educational activity for kids like a video field trip or kid-friendly recipe might be just the thing
- want to help your child get even more out of his or her weekly Kindermusik class
- have a few minutes to really engage with your child and need some inspiration to make that time meaningful and fun
- have a child begging you to read his favorite story from Kindermusik class and you’re not anywhere near the bookshelf at home (Gotta love these mobile apps for kids!)
- want to play a developmentally appropriate, kid-friendly game together
- are ready to download all of the great music from your Kindermusik class
- need expert advice and a window of insight into the precious miracle that is your child
- are looking for an easy way to begin expanding your child’s awareness and understanding of the world around her
- need some great music and activity ideas to soothe or clam, play together, chase away the blues, or share some giggles
- need all of this with you wherever you are – at home or on the go
Kindermusik@Home… It’s all in there!
And here’s your sneak peek:
Take a TOUR on your PC, your Mac, or your Tablet or Mobile Device
Try a FREE Kindermusik@Home Activity, “Stroll around Town“
Movement and the Brain
Anne Green Gilbert, author of “Teaching the Three-Rs: Through Movement Experiences” talks about how brain development is directly linked to movement. For example, holding your baby in different positions actually helps develop new neural connections in the brain. In Kindermusik classes, we use musical concepts like “high” and “low” in our dances and chants to encourage changes of position, inspire creativity, and support brain development. Here’s a little about movement and the brain is incorporated for each of our Kindermusik age groups:
Move, move, and move some more! In Village, our music class for babies, we move our little ones to learn, so they can learn to move and sooooo much more! What a brilliant beginning . . .
In toddler music classes, we combine independent and interactive movement between parent and child. Both fine and gross motor are explored.
Ah! Now the fruits of your playful labor in our babies’ music classes and toddlers’ music classes are exposed and expanded as your children begin to own their movements both large and small!
Just wait until you see what your home play has created. Your child will be functioning on a much higher level reasoning plane, dealing with abstract notations, rhythms, and teamwork challenges – all skills that require coordination of movement. These are also skills that your child will have for a lifetime – in school, at play, and later in the workplace.
It’s true… a good Kindermusik beginning never ends!
The Top 10 Benefits of Enrolling in Kindermusik
With so many choices out there for young children, we thought we’d try to help make the decision a little easier by sharing our top 10 benefits of enrolling in Kindermusik.
Benefit #1: Kindermusik gives your child that unique head start you’ve been looking for – musically, cognitively, and academically.
Benefit#2: Kindermusik inspires a love of music from an early age with songs, instruments, and activities that are just right for each age and every stage.
Benefit #3: Kindermusik enhances every area of your child’s development– we are so much more than just music!
Benefit #4: Kindermusik gives you the time and the tools to enjoy quality time with your child – in class and at home.
Benefit #5: Kindermusik Home Materials let you take the music, fun, and learning with you all week long, wherever you go.
Benefit #6: Kindermusik classes provide a happy social outlet for your child and a valuable support network for you.
Benefit #7: All Kindermusik activities are research-proven and giggle-approved, and all are supported by a developmental and musical focus.
Benefit #8: Kindermusik lays a strong foundation for future success in school and in formal music lessons later on.
Benefit #9: Kindermusik is something you and your child will use every day – at home or on the go!
Benefit #10: Kindermusik offers a comprehensive program with the potential for positively impacting your child from newborn all the way to 7 years of age.
From music skills to life skills, it’s all there in Kindermusik. Best of all, your child will love it, and so will you!
How Music Classes Prepare Your Child for School
Early childhood education is important, and Kindermusik International believes that you – the parent – are your child’s first and best teacher. But what to do with your child until he is 7 years old? We’d like to recommend Kindermusik classes!
9 ways Music Classes prepare your child for school
Music classes in the early years that include parental involvement and focus on learning in a fun, developmentally appropriate way inspire a lifelong love for learning.
Practice with steady beat, enjoying movement activities, and playing instruments help develop coordination and motor skills necessary for cutting with scissors, holding a pencil, or kicking a ball, for example.
Music classes that are teaching children rhymes and then later, the basics of beginning to read music pave the way to literacy.
Music classes give your child a place to practice those all-important social skills, like cooperatively play, sharing, and following directions.
The best music classes will encourage your child to think creatively, developing critical thinking skills and the ability to problem-solve.
In an environment where process, not performance, is stressed, music classes build self-confidence and a willingness to try new things.
Music classes that gradually increase a child’s independence at the class help the child more successfully transition to the school classroom.
In these classes, children have the opportunity to bond and interact with their teacher, learning to listen and respond to someone other than the special adults who surround them at home.
Science and research have proven time and time again that music positively impacts a child in all areas of development – social/emotional, language, cognitive, physical, and language/literacy.
From music skills to life skills, it’s all there in Kindermusik, where music and learning play!
The Benefit of a Routine
The Benefit of a Routine
Regular schedules provide a framework that orders a young child’s world. While predictability can be tedious for adults, children thrive on sameness and repetition. “Knowing what to expect from relationships and activities helps children become more confident,” says Dr. Peter Gorski, assistant professor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School (Asher).
Tips for parents: The days never seem to go exactly as planned with young children, but it’s helpful for both of you to have a general schedule for the day. Naps and moods will improve tremendously, and you’re likely to have fewer outbursts to deal with. Of course, one predictable weekly activity that we highly recommend is… Kindermusik!
Kindermusik Quiet Time – Good for Your Child’s Brain Development
Quiet Time – Good for Your Child’s Brain Development
In our busy lives, it’s vital to find time to simply do nothing. This downtime is physically necessary for your child’s brain to process the learning that occurs during structured activities and interactions. Plus, helping your baby learn to relax will serve him well as he encounters the inevitable stresses of the world.
Inspiring relaxation and quiet times together
Your baby: Bring you baby into your lap and simply enjoy the time together. If he’s fussy, rub his belly in a heart-shaped motion, or gently squeeze his arms and legs in a “milking” motion.
Your toddler: Turn down the lights and play soft music. Allow your toddler to simply wander if he’s not ready to sit still. He’ll learn to relax by watching you.
Your preschooler: The urge to stay awake and learn is strong in preschoolers, and they often need help calming down. Play quiet games: Who can whisper the softest? Can you float like a feather? Or a cloud? Listen to soft, soothing music and then lie on the floor and do… blissfully, quietly, absolutely nothing.
Fun with Kindermusik@Home
Enjoy this special quiet-time activity from Kindermusik@Home called “Animals at Home,” compliments of Kindermusik International. This is just one of many activities that are part of your online Home Materials included with your enrollment in a Kindermusik class. We think you’ll really love how Kindermusik@Home inspires fun times, together time, happy times, and yes, quiet times through learning games, recipes, crafts, music, activities, downloads, and more.