See Kindermusik of Lincoln on 1011 News!

We have some pretty exciting news to share. Kindermusik of Lincoln is going to be featured on Friday, August 9 on KOLN/KGIN 1011 news at 8:55. Taryn Vanderford interviewed me a couple of weeks ago. It’s part of the Moms Everyday feature and Fridays are called Family Fun.
As you tune in, make sure you look for your little one, the pictures featured are of our very own classes. See which sweet faces you recognize!!!

You can also preview the interview now by going to Click on Family Fun, then scroll down to Kindermusik of Lincoln. At this point you will see a webpage that is dedicated to the studio show up with still photos, the interview and some other fun things.
Please, share this 1011 webpage on your Facebook page. I would really appreciate it. It links back to this website and it will help spread the word!

Make sure to check back here often, there is always something new being posted! Make sure to like our Facebook page too! Thank you for continuing to make Kindermusik of Lincoln an activity that you chose for your child!

Move & Groove Tips!

Did you know that children enrolled in Kindermusik scored higher on self-regulation tests than children not enrolled?

Self-regulation is the ability to control our thoughts, feelings, and actions. As adults, we usually exhibit good self-regulation abilities. After all, self-regulation stops us from cutting in line at the grocery store, even though our shopping cart contains a child on the brink of a meltdown. It keeps us from snatching the latest iPhone from the mom at the playground just because we want one, too. And it also motivates us to clean the kitchen when what we really feel like doing is going to bed!

In Kindermusik, we use music and movement to help children learn to tell their bodies what to do, when to stop, when to go, and when to move to another activity. So, when we play the “Stop & Go” game, participate in the “Bwana Awabaricki” circle dance, transition from one activity to another, and even share instruments, your child is learning and practicing self-regulation skills. Those same skills will help your child pay attention in school, act and behave appropriately, and maybe even one day help you clean the kitchen.

Everyday connection: Freeze Dance Twist. Dance to your favorite music from class. Take turns pausing the music. When the music stops, stop dancing. When the music plays, start dancing again! Then switch the actions. Stop dancing when the music plays and dance when the music stops.

Get signed up now for the school year Move & Groove classes.  Click on “School Year” classes to your right to enroll now….

Child’s Play

We call it play, the work children do all the day long. From rolling a ball to tasting it, from building with blocks to knocking them down, a child’s job is to play.

Activities for Kids at Home

Children learn and grow through play. Toys that mimic everyday objects, like kitchen appliances and gardening tools help a child to act out what he sees the grown-ups doing. Toys that specifically encourage creativity, like blocks, scarves, and Legos equip children as they use their ever-amazing minds to construct and pretend.  Other simple things that inspire open-ended play include cardboard boxes, dress-up clothes, and Lincoln logs.  Read here for more open-ended play ideas.

The most important play-thing

As parents, we want our children to have the best toys to help with their development. After all, creating a stimulating home environment is the least we can do. But the most important play-thing that your child can have does not come in a box or from a store. Children need loving parents and caregivers to not only provide them with quality tools for their work, but they need adults to stop, sit, and become co-workers at play. This is one of the best educational activities for 2 year olds, 3 year olds, and beyond. It’s easy to delight a child with a new toy and walk away. But a child needs personal interaction with the adults in her life as she learns and grows.

It’s hard to take a break from what we view as important: work-related issues, financial problems, the upkeep of a home. But investing daily in the lives of our children by sitting down with them, allowing them the freedom to choose what to play, following them and labeling their actions, resisting the urge to organize and perfect their play, is the most important work that you can do as a parent.

Inspiring play through music and movement

In our Kindermusik classes you’ll find lots of inspiration for play, both musical and non-musical.  Though our classes are music-based, we’ll give you lots of tips and ideas for playing with your child in class and at home – tips and ideas that come from an understanding of the concept of scaffolding, from learning more about your child’s developmental stage, and from the child-centered way that we approach our classes.  There’s nothing like a Kindermusik class to give you a reason for playing with your child – once a week in class and throughout the week at home.

The simple act of investing time in play with your child is one of the very best investments you can make.  Take a few minutes to play today!

Laugh & Learn Tips!

Tips for parents to encourage free play.

New parents spend countless hours learning what to expect those first several months. However, one pivotal baby book generally remains unopened: The Stroller Manual. Figuring out how to open and close that behemoth takes trial and error?and lots and lots of practice. After a while, though, you move well beyond the basic mechanics of how your stroller works into an expert role of using it in other ways?exercise equipment, pirate ship, dog leash holder, Halloween costume, etc.

In Kindermusik, we know children also use exploration and problem solving to learn what an object does and how it works. We call that process epistemic play. Each week in class, we provide many opportunities for your child to explore objects in order to better understand how they work. So, while trying out all the ways to pass, bounce, or hold a ball, your child gains a foundational understanding of how balls work. Plus, all this epistemic play supports your child?s overall cognitive development.

Everyday Connection: Digging in the Dirt. Give your child ample time to dig in the dirt (or sandbox). What happens if a little water is added? A lot? Simple play isn?t simple learning as your child explores the properties of water and dirt and gains an early understanding of earth science in the process

Enroll now in a Kindermusik class that is right for your child.  Click on “School Year Classes” to the right to register now!

Wiggle and Grow! How Silly!!!

Why, that’s nonsense!  Well, not really….

Did you know that even when singing a silly nonsense song you make up, singing with your child creates sweet moments, fosters creativity, and establishes a great sense of pitch?

Do you remember your child?s first few words? Although Webster?s Dictionary didn’t include definitions for “da”, “ba-ba,”,or “la”? you knew without a doubt your little one said daddy, bye, and mommy. (Or, something along those lines!) Now, as a toddler, you may hear your child deliberately making up silly sounding words and giggling profusely. I mean, seriously, blibber-blobber, really is funny! Laughing together over nonsense words supports your child?s growing sense of humor!

In Kindermusik, we know that nonsense words also support your child?s early language and literacy development. While your child may laugh at the silliness of nonsense words from class like “fiddle-dee-dee” or “fuzzy wuzzy” your child is also practicing in the development of specific oral motor skills that create vowels, consonants, or cluster sounds. Nonsense words often employ alliteration and rhyme, which fosters phonemic awareness or the understanding that words are made up of small speech sounds or phonemes. So, blibber-blobber or fiddle-dee-dee away!

Everyday Connection: Call the Doctor. Dr. Seuss made a living making up nonsense words like wocket, grickle-grass, and zizzer-zazzer-zuzz. Read some Dr. Seuss this week and add some new nonsense words to your family?s vocabulary.

Click on “school year classes” to your right to enroll now in a class experience for even more meaningful “nonsense”.


The Value of Music for Babies

Music Classes For Babies - Kindermusik Cuddle & BounceSome people are surprised to find out that Kindermusik is for children as young as newborns. In fact, a new curriculum called “Cuddle and Bounce” created just for newborns and 1 year olds along with their parents will be available soon. But really, what can such a small child gain from starting Kindermusik before they can even crawl or walk?

The following statement, jointly issued by The National Association for Music Education (MENC), the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), and the US Department of Education, helps explain just how important music education for even the youngest musicians can be….

The Value of Music for the Very Young

The idea that very early education provides great long-term benefits has been rendered incontestable by studies in cognition and early learning. Research in developmental psychology and commonsense observation underscore both the importance and the wisdom of making music an integral and overt part of the earliest education of young children:

(1) We know that music is among the first and most important modes of communication experienced by infants.

The youngest children lack the gift of speech, but they are deeply responsive to the emotional ethos created by music. The lullabies sung by parents help children to accomplish the fundamental developmental task of learning-to trust their environment as a secure one. Songs communicate adult love and the experiences of joy and delight; they teach children that the world is a pleasurable and exciting place to be. Music is essential to the depth and strength of this early foundation for learning and for connecting to life itself.

(2) As young children grow and develop, music continues as a basic medium not only of communication, but of self-expression as well.

Through music, children expand their cognitive universe as they first experience-and later learn to produce-sounds organized to carry musical meaning within their culture. Music expands memory and assists in developing crucial language skills. Music exerts a multiplier effect on reasoning skills, especially on spatial reasoning-an effect that has been demonstrated experimentally. Music also reinforces such logical and perceptual ideas as beginning and ending, cause and effect, sequence and balance, harmony and dissonance, as well as arithmetic concepts such as number, enumeration, and timing.

Kindermusik Baby Music Class - Self Expression Through Music

In addition, as centuries of tradition and modern vehicles such as Sesame Street have taught us all, music in the lives of young children is a highly effective means of delivering vital information about the world itself, as when it is used to teach such basic content as counting, colors, relationships among ideas, social skills, and the wonders of the natural world. Music is also a powerful tool for communicating the full spectrum of human emotion in ways appropriate to children’s experience. Children who may not be able to express verbally their happiness, anger, or sadness can find in music the right outlet and mode for what they cannot yet identify or express clearly using the tools of language.

(3) As preschool children not only listen to and respond to music, but also learn to make music by singing and playing instruments together, they create important contexts for the early learning of vital life skills

such as cooperation, collaboration, and group effort.

(4) Guided music experiences also begin to teach young children to make judgments about what constitutes “good” music,

thereby developing in them the rudiments of an aesthetic sense.

(5) Music contributes strongly to “school readiness,” a foundational education aim of the American people for all our children, as expressed in our National Education Goals.

Music experiences can help children prepare to learn to become literate as it helps them become more aware of and focused on the phonemes that make up the language or languages they will need to excel in school. When children develop musical skill and understanding, they are developing basic cognitive, social, and motor skills necessary for success throughout the educational process. They are preparing skills that will apply to language, to literacy, and to life itself.

…[U]nless the positive learning engendered by music in the earliest years is nurtured by those in the best position to provide it, i.e., parents, music teachers, and professional caregivers, the educational power of music and its potential for sound development can be diminished and diluted.

Try A Free Kindermusik ClassSee the value of music in action…Try a Free Kindermusik Class!

New Laugh and Learn class added to School Year!

Kindermusik with Kindermusik of Lincoln

Dear Kindermusik families and friends,

I am excited to announce an added class for the Laugh and Learn age group (3-4 years old) on Thursdays at 12:10 p.m.  As Kindermusik International has created new curricula and age groups, I have had to reevaluate and continue to reevaluate what is working in our current schedule and what we predict will work in the future with thew new additions.  Don’t ever be afraid to chime in with suggestions or requests, I do my best to assess the need and demand for these suggested classes and when appropriate, implement them.  So, go to and see what we have in store for you and your child this coming school year.  If you think we have missed something let me know, otherwise, get signed up as soon as possible as some classes are already nearing capacity enrollment.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns,

Ms. Shawna

Maestro Educator 2013-2014

July Kindermusik starts this week!


Kindermusik of Lincoln is excited to start our next summer session beginning on Tuesday, July 9.  We still have openings (very limited!) in the classes below.

Tuesdays, Wiggle and Grow 18 months-3 years, 9:40-10:20 or Laugh and Learn 3-4 years, 10:30-11:10

Thursdays: Village 0-18 months 9:40-10:20, Wiggle and Grow 18 months-3 years 10:30-11:10, Move and Groove 4-5 years 11:20-12:00.  Laugh and Learn at 6:40-7:20.

Fridays: Wiggle and Grow 18 months to 3 years 10:10-10:50 and Laugh and Learn 3-4 years 11:00-11:40

Saturdays: Village 0-18 months 9:20-10:00

Click on “Summer classes” on your right to enroll in one of the above classes now!

School year classes begin the week of August 26, two weeks earlier than ever before, as we have added two weeks of instruction to our entire school year.  8 different mini theme will be offered for each age group on the website.  Lots of NEW coming to Kindermusik of Lincoln and we are so excited about it.  Remember, you can still qualify for referral and/or sibling discounts.  Please let us know if you need help registering or have questions.

Looking forward to seeing you all very soon!

Kindermusik, better than ever!

Kindermusik International never fails to amaze me!  I have been a Kindermusik educator for 14 years now and I am delighted that they continue to invest and re-invest in our programs by remaining innovators in the field of early childhood development.  Something that I am really looking forward to is the newly developed age groups of Cuddle & Bounce for infants aged 0-1 year old and Sing & Play for 1-2 year olds.   What this allows us to do is to better reach and teach to these little learners.  We will use EVEN MORE developmentally appropriate techniques, specifically chosen to meet the abilities and development of the infants/early toddlers.

Cuddle & Bounce Rainbow

Cuddle, bounce, and bop with your baby in Kindermusik’s newest curriculum. Whether your baby is five weeks or five months, this class will be perfect for you! With age-appropriate activities for newborns, infants and crawlers, this parent-child music and movement class will help you strengthen those early parent-child bonds, understand your baby’s development, and heavily focus on child development and communication with your baby. You and your baby will enjoy instrument play, dance, exploration time, and together time—and you’ll get expert advice and parenting resources based on the most recent research in baby development.


is going to the first mini-theme of the school year for our littlest participants.

Sing & Play rainbow logoGet ready to sing, play, and move with your little one in this high-energy music class designed to be just right for children under two years of age. This new Kindermusik curriculum focuses on your child’s beginning movement, helping to build the muscles your baby needs to walk, and vocal development, helping to nurture your child’s speaking and singing voice. With a mix of both parent-child joint activities and child-focused activities, you’ll be able to join right in on all the singing and dancing while also getting the chance to observe how your older baby or toddler learns on her own. Embark on Kindermusik’s fun new exploration of singing, swaying, laughing, and playing through Sing & Play, a just-right mix of early-childhood vocal play and language development, together time, and music and movement activities!

SP FAAM logo

will be the first mini theme for the school year for the Sing & Play age group.

Want the to know what we are up to the next two months? Summer Themes!

I am so excited to share the summer themes with you.  I have included all of the units, the month they are offered in as well as the age group that theme is associated.  All of the individual class day and times are available to your right under, “Summer Classes”.

VILLAGE: 0-18 months (same unit for June and July)

Busy Days! We will follow your infant through their very busy days; going to the store, the doctor, playing outside and interacting with family.  Your child will thrive as we use common everyday interactions and turn them into musical, teachable moments!

WIGGLE AND GROW: 19 Months to 3 years


JUNE: Ready for a flight of fancy? It’s time to explore all of the floating, flying, fluttering things we can find Up in the Sky. We’ll use our imaginations to fly kites, stretch like clouds, and dance like stars. We’ll hop and fly with a flock of robins, soar with a wise old owl, and see the silver moon boat sail across the sky. Fire up your imagination, because we mean it when we say…the sky’s the limit!


JULY: In this unit, we’ll roll up our sleeves and get right Down on the Ground and take a good look around. We’ll engage children’s natural curiosity as we hop like bunnies, scoot like caterpillars, scurry like squirrels, and even do a certain, familiar spider finger-play. Meanwhile, you’ll broaden your own vision, and foster a child’s natural curiosity!

LAUGH AND LEARN: 3 to 4 yearsOAA

JUNE: Out & About is a trip into the world of imagination, and all you’ll need to pack is a sense of adventure! We’ll ride bikes, hike in the mountains, scuttle like crabs, and fly like seagulls. Singing, instrument play, creativity, and movement all bring the learning to life.IMG

JULY: The sun is shining, birds are singing, insects are buzzing and critters are sniffing, wriggling, chirping, hopping, and burrowing. We’ll buzz like bees, fly like butterflies, and sing like birds to discover the hidden delights of our backyards through listening, singing, movement, and pretend play. Come along—it’s a beautiful day In My Garden!

MOVE AND GROOVE: 5 to 6 years

JUNUTRE: Come along on a magical trip to the land Under the Rainbow, where you’ll explore Irish music, jigs, slide whistles, glissandi, high and low sounds, high and low movements, and even pots of gold.

JTPJULY: In Join the Parade, everyone gets to be in the band! Move to parade and march music, learn to identify woodwind instruments, learn about music concepts piano (quiet) and forte (loud), and meet Henry, who creates his own musical parade…by accident!

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