New Online Enrollment format!
It’s done, it’s done, IT’S DONE! The new format for enrolling for summer classes and school year classes is up and working splendidly. It is a simpler format to use.
Use the following steps to enroll:
1. Go to
2. On the right hand side of home page, you will see two choices: School year classes or Summer classes. Click on the one you want to view.
3. You will see a complete list of all age groups available for the option you chose above. Scroll to the age group that best fits your current needs.
4. If you chose Summer, you will have three drop down menus to fill in. If you chose School year classes, only two drop down menus. Fill in as appropriate for your child.
5. Add to cart.
6. If needed, add more options (for additional classes or siblings)
7. Proceed to check out.
If you chose School year classes, this is considered your deposit/first of 8 equal payments. Subsequent payments begin on or around the 15th of each of the following months: September, October, November, December, January, February, and March.
I will contact you before school year classes begin to finalize your enrollments and payment information.
Questions? Don’t hesitate to ask! We are making a transition and there are sure to be a few hiccups along the way. We want you to be happy and feel well taken care of, so don’t be shy.
Shawna Gordon402-770-1486 (Call or Text)
These make-up times are for the current session which runs through mid-May!
If you are enrolled in Village, classes are on Thursdays at 9:40, Friday at 9:20, and Saturdays at 9:20.
If you are enrolled in Our Time, classes are on Mondays at 9:30, Tuesdays at 9:40 and 10:30, Thursdays at 10:30, Fridays at 10:10, and Saturdays at 11:00.
If you are enrolled in Imagine That!, classes are on Thursdays at 11:20 and 6:40, Fridays at 11:00 and Saturdays at 10:10.
It is suggested that you contact Shawna at (402) 770-1486 (phone or text) or to let her know your intentions to attend a make-up class! Thanks!
Beginning June, 2013 the following classes will become our new schedule format.
Cuddle and Bounce, 0-1 year, (COMING AUGUST, 2013)
Sing and Play, 1-2 years, (COMING AUGUST, 2013)
Wiggle and Grow, 2-3 years (COMING JUNE, 2013)
Laugh and Learn, 3-4 years, (COMING JUNE, 2013)
Move and Groove, 4-6 years, (COMING JUNE, 2013)
Young Child years one and two will remain the same and be available as they have been in the past. Continue to stay tuned to the blog to learn more about these new and exciting changes… we can’t wait to show you what we have up our sleeves!
Winter/Spring Classes begin Thursday, January 24
We are so excited to get back into the swing of things for our next session! Everything gets started on Thursday, January 24. Certain classes are completely full and will be marked as such on this website. Otherwise all other classes, have at minimum 1 spot available for enrollment. So you haven’t enrolled yet? Not a problem. Go ahead and enroll in an available class with the deposit only and we will assist you with any prorated tuition if necessary.
Looking forward to seeing you in class and soon!
Ms. Shawna and Ms. Jenny
ALERT: Kindermusik classes cancelled January 21 and 22!
Kindermusik families:
Monday and Tuesday classes are cancelled next week. There is a funeral at the church on Tuesday morning and they have asked us to reschedule. If you are enrolled in a Monday or Tuesday class, please reply to this message to acknowledge notification.
NEW Toddler Classtime added!
We had such an overwhelming demand for our Toddler classes during the week, we needed to add another Kindermusik Our Time class for children ages 18 months to 3 years! Now we have a 10:30 Our Time class on the schedule. We do have limited spots available in this class and also on Tuesdays at 9:40. Still haven’t made up your mind Kindermusik is for you? Try a FREE PREVIEW CLASS! All you have to do is call to schedule!
Thanks for your continued loyalty and referrals!
A Benefit of Kindermusik….
FOL Fridays: Pattern Awareness
Pattern awareness is crucial to learning and memory. Just as in reading stories, singing and rhythmic speech expose participants directly to the patterns of language, including rhythm, speech sounds, syntax, and rhyme.
Tips for parents:
Patterns are all around – outdoors, indoors, in colors, how we arrange items on the counter or table, and even on the clothes we wear. With patterns surrounding us, it’s easy to play “pick up” pattern games with your child. First, point to the pattern. Have your child identify the individual parts. Then work together to point out how it all goes together. If there are objects that can be moved, you can even challenge your child to create some patterns of his own.
You can even try learning about patterns with your Kindermusik instruments!
– Contributed by Theresa Case, whose Greenville, SC program, Kindermusik at Piano Central Studios
A Little Bit of Music Goes a Long Way!
A Little Bit of Music Goes a Long Way!

We know music has many benefits, especially for the way kids learn and how a child’s brain develops. So we get excited about supportive research like this study recently published in the Journal of Neuroscience:
Even A Few Years Of Music Training Benefits The Brain.
A team of researchers at Northwestern University, including the well-known Nina Kraus, share findings on the benefits of early childhood music education.
“…Childhood music instruction has strong linguistic benefits and improves performance on everyday listening tasks. Since we live in an inherently noisy world, the better we are at focusing on sound and perceiving different sounds, the better. This can be particularly important for children with learning disorders or those for whom English is a second language.”
Through this study and other research, here are some known benefits of music training:
- Improves hearing
- Bolsters brain function
- Strengthens reading skills
- Increases math abilities
- Improves social development
- Helps people become better team players
- Supports self-esteem
Our mission at Kindermusik, to instill a lifelong love of music and a foundation for learning in children, completely aligns with this research. We are especially thrilled about the quote from Nina Kraus, supporting the concept that even little exposure to music as can go a long way…
“Based on what we already know about the ways that music helps shape the brain, the study suggests that short-term music lessons may enhance lifelong listening and learning,” said Kraus.
We encourage you to share your love for music & extend the benefits of music to others. Please invite your friends and family to Try a Free Kindermusik Class!
Free Preview class, anytime!
Always wondered what a Kindermusik class was all about? Afraid to make a commitment in case it’s not the fit you were hoping for? No worries!!! Kindermusik of Lincoln offers free preview classes at anytime we are holding scheduled classes. At times we even offer demo classes. Simply email us that you would like to attend a free preview. We’ll work together to make sure you visit a class that best fits your schedule and is the right match for your child.
Don’t hesitate to schedule your free preview today!
Fall Classes Start Tuesday, September 4
Our fall classes start on Tuesday, September 4. Have you enrolled yet? The following classes are full and no longer open to enrollment:
Our Time on Thursday at 10:20, Village on Friday at 9:20, and Our Time on Friday at 10:10.
We have openings in all other classes on our schedule, however a select few are VERY close to being full. If you would still like to enroll and the class you had hoped to enroll in is now closed, please contact us as we may have some other options or suggestions for you.
We are excited to offer something brand new! Laugh & Learn on Tuesdays at 10:30 is for 3- 4 year olds. Single lesson focus presented in four week units. Four units per session. AND, fantastic new digital home materials. They are delivered to your computer and accessible forever! New music, new stories and activities to thrill and engage your child.
We are also opening Wiggle & Grow classes for 18 month to 3 year olds with a similar format as the Laugh & Learn Classes on Tuesdays at 11:20 and Wednesday mornings. These classes will begin later than the September 4 start date of the rest of the studio.
Ms. Jenny and I look forward to working with you and your children this fall! Can’t wait to see you this week!!!